Dear Crossroad Bible Institute,
All my life, I did what I wanted to do and felt no real shame. Drugs, adultery, lying, stealing—I even murdered. There were people who loved me, but I misused them and did a lot of terrible things to them. I didn’t even love me. I took a lot for granted, and today I realize my wrong and have confessed my sins and turned to God.
I have failed God and hurt a lot of people, and still God has shown me mercy. As I sit in this prison, I am actually thankful, and I praise God for my being here, because it brought me out of the hell I was living in, a darkness and bondage to sin. God knew my pain, how I turned to drugs and alcohol to compensate for the abuse I suffered as a child, being molested by family. I had no one to talk to who would listen—but all the time He was, and I wasn’t hearing Him.
In the course of doing the CBI lessons, something began to change in me. I could hear the Spirit, and I could feel the presence of God. I didn’t understand it at first, but I kept on going with what I was feeling as I read the Bible and learned about the people of the Bible and what they were doing and how God was giving, taking, restoring and establishing His glory in their lives. It became amazing to me because as I look at my life—where I’ve been, what I did and how I behaved—I’m no different than the ancient people. I’m a sinner.
Then God revealed His truth to me in the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through the studies I received from Crossroad, God was using Crossroad to lead me home to Him. I have truly and wholeheartedly accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe He gave His life so that I may live life. Hallelujah!
I am at peace now. I feel a joy that just allows me to praise God no matter where I’m at or what I’m going through. Thank you for being the vessel that God has placed in my life to help me grow in Christ the Lord. Thanks for the love I have received and the encouragement given by the Instructors. May God continue to bless you all.
– Robert Y., NY