< CBI New Zealand's Group Study Prepares Prisoners for Reentry - Crossroads Ministerio Carcelario

Seven Secrets for Success in the WorkplaceA group study of Seven Secrets for Success in the Workplace is underway for returning citizens at Crossroad Bible Institute’s satellite campus in New Zealand. The book, written by Crossroad’s president, Dr. David Schuringa, offers strategies for developing a strong work ethic and succeeding in a career.

This group study began after a retired Crossroad Instructor received permission from a chaplain to introduce Seven Secrets for Success in the Workplace to prisoners living in a self-care unit.

In New Zealand, many prisons have self-care units where prisoners nearing their release dates can live in communal buildings separate from the main facility. These prisoners work on re-learning everyday skills that need sharpening after a long sentence, such as living with other people in a non-institutional setting or functioning in a society that may have changed significantly while they were behind bars.

Seven Secrets for Success in the Workplace fits well into such a reentry-oriented setting. The book offers not only straightforward tips on how to be a good employee, but also biblical perspectives on the meaning and purpose of work. While these lessons are helpful for anyone, they are especially relevant to returning citizens, who often face great barriers to securing employment after incarceration.

Moreover, the book’s practical strategies are accessible to believers and non-believers alike; in CBI New Zealand’s case, the book is even serving as a doorway for non-Christians to take a first step towards the faith.

“This group study attracted many who previously had no interest in the Bible, but as a result have joined in,” said Peggy Landkroon, director of CBI New Zealand. “They seemed to see how pertinent God’s Word is to real, practical life.”

The content and structure of the group study was specially adapted to fit the participants’ needs. Since many prisoners struggle with basic literacy and reading comprehension, the format of each class centered on discussion, active participation and worksheet activities.

Landkroon hopes this will be the first of many classes to come. “Lord willing, a similar class can be organized later this year,” she said.

To hear more students’ reactions about the impact of Seven Secrets for Success in the Workplace, check out this episode of Crossroad Connection!

If you feel called and inspired to start a group study, you can get your own copy of the Seven Secrets for Success in the Workplace Leader’s Manual at Crossroad’s online store.
