< Kenya - Crossroads Ministerio Carcelario


Founded in 2010
Jefferson Kabiro Gathu

Jefferson Kabiro Gathu


PO Box 113
Kijabe, 00220

“Imprisoned people have heavy burdens of loneliness, guilt,
bitterness, depression or confusion. We want inmates to know
that they are capable, appreciated and doing a good job.” 

– Samuel Chege, Crossroads Kenya Assistant Director

About Crossroads Kenya:

Crossroads Kenya director Jefferson Gathu and his enthusiastic, dedicated group of mentors deliver the Crossroads program to students in twelve key prisons. As of 2020, they have sixty mentors and 330 students. As in other developing nations, they not only take Bible study lessons and encouraging letters to students in prison but also provide them with basic necessities through partnerships with other ministries. Crossroads Kenya seeks to continue expanding its outreach by implementing a reentry assistance program. In addition to his work with Crossroads, Gathu also serves as the director of an organization that provides Christian literature for native tribes in Kenya and other parts of Africa.
