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Meeting the Public Defense Crisis in Michigan

The first day of fall marked an important step forward for Michigan’s justice system. Fifteen hand-picked commissioners from the fields of law, politics and criminal justice, including CBI president Dr. David Schuringa, headed to Lansing on Tuesday for the inaugural...

No “Oops” in His-Story

There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. —Leonard Cohen “Oops” is a word you don’t want to hear from a surgeon. Neither do you want to hear it from God. So how big is your God? I mean it, really. How BIG is your God? Let’s recall the creation of...

Let Your Voice Be Heard on Legislative Day!

If you’re a Michigan resident who is passionate about criminal justice reform, you will want to mark Wednesday, September 17, on your calendar. On that day, the Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending (CAPPS) is sponsoring a special event called Legislative...