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Prison Saved My Life

Prison saved my life. It’s a paradoxical statement that we at Crossroad hear quite often. Most people would describe prison as destructive rather than redemptive. But many Crossroad students tell us exactly the opposite. Fernando has been a CBI student for seven...

Crossroad Conventions Coming to Michigan

Calling all Michigan Crossroad Bible Institute Instructors! Crossroad Conventions are coming to a city near you. During these meetings, you will hear from CBI executive director Lisa Blystra and other ministry leaders. They will bring updates from the ministry, share...

Meet the Crossroad Staff: Maria Rivera

Hometown: Bayamon, Puerto Rico What you do at Crossroad: Spanish Coordinator Favorite Bible verse: Joshua 1:9 Hobbies: Crafts, Bible study, learning new things. Why I like working at Crossroad: I feel part of the Great Commission, serving as a liaison between...

Shaken But Not Broken

Joshua knows what it feels like to be truly alone. He knows the pain and bruises that come from hitting rock bottom. He also knows the joy of being rescued. When Joshua was sent to prison, he was in a unit without a telephone, and he didn’t have the resources to...

Meet the Crossroad Staff: Jacob Busscher

Hometown: Hamilton, Michigan What you do at Crossroad: International coordinator Favorite Bible verse: Genesis 35:1 — “Then God said to Jacob, ‘Go up to Bethel and settle there, and build an altar there to God.’” (I went to Bethel College. And from my house I had to...